Saturday, February 28, 2009

*sighs. Shopping.

Okay so today i went to penrith, just a change in scenery, it was good, i went with tayla
and as a result i managed to purchase
a bunchsicles of DVDs
and other things
Im walking through penrith and this random lady comes up to me "excuse me i LOVE your hair, where did you dye it?"
"i did it myself"
"oh wowits amazing whats the brand etc etc'
Later washing my hands after peeing (yes im graphic like that)
"oh i love your hair its so vibrant :D"
pretty coooooll (Y)
So Agraceful is a random myspace band, that i sadly could not download
and i VERY much love them, like many bands i seem to be listening to these days are christian i (L) them verryyy much so.
I ran into my cousin lisa whose engagement party im attending next weekend and sweet jesus i highly dislike her soon-to-be sister-in-law i dont really know her, shes 13 i think and she just came off really egh and >_> but ill give her a chance i guess, I WANNA WEAR REALLY HOT HEELS but i cant find any i REALLY like so ill probs just wear my red formal shoes. :)
im so exhausted.

Friday, February 27, 2009


- TAYLAA . LOVEbilalskiezz&&selwyn! jordan <3 says:
you know what would be shit timing. when your doing shit with a guy.. and then hes like uhhh. i think you just got your period hahaha omg how shit would that be.
that would fucking sucks
- TAYLAA . LOVEbilalskiezz&&selwyn! jordan <3 says:
its funny but at the same time if it happened to you youd be like D: NOOOOO!!! hahaha
HAH yeahhH!!
- TAYLAA . LOVEbilalskiezz&&selwyn! jordan <3 says:
hahahaha blood everywhere ew. the guy would freak ouy lmao.
"i thought you said youve done this before"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Im sorry. I cant. Dont hate me

Im not at school today cos i have the cold. How great is that?
Id love to thank claraa and wei and annie, for a) making me laugh for about two hours
and b) givng me a wonderful yet disgusting orange substance to calm me down.
School yesterday was so/so i wasnt at school for long and everyone worked pretty damn hard at cheering me up and insulting you. I know you read this now, i know for a fact you read this, and im glad you did in a way because maybe i would never have had my chance to get all of that off my chest esp when you can never handle hearing things that dont go your way in a positive light.
gosh im getting over this pretty fast. Im starting not to care already.
I watched sex in the city last night the one where carrie gets dumped by Burger (a person).
I guess atlesat i can say i didnt get dumped over a post-it note
things could be worse.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Monday, February 23, 2009

City in a snowglobe

I really have mixed emotions about hate blogging and ive been trying for a few days not to hate blog, thinking maybe this would end real quick maybe YOU wouldnt drag this out.

Fuck that.

WARNING: Mass amounts of foul mouthed language may appear in the following hate blog.

Block your eyes.

What the fuck did i do wrong? So wrong infact that you cant even talk to me? You cant even bring yourself to tell me you arent talking to me. One of your little "friends" had to come up to me and still put it nicely "your not being ignored, but you are..but you arent...BUT YOU ARE. A cooling down period is required if you have anyproblems we will gladly see to it that it is delivered but there is no guarantee that it will be seen im not on anyones side im a fence sitter i want to see the best outcome because if it does turnout good i wont be hated by either one of you".

Well right now i want to tell you to get fucked you immature wank but why, whats that gonna fix? I read some of the lovely things you said you disliked about me to my BEST FRIEND you dumb fuck did you think i wouldnt see? You hate that im angry all the time? well have you ever stopped to think why im so angry all the time and why i get upset? That maybe your fucking "say before you think" comments arent what ACTUALLY upset me that there is an underlying cause? and that your sick of never winning well maybe if you fucking MANNED UP AND DIDNT BITCH IT you would win and im sorry i thought as a person of your status you were supposed to accept me for who i am. Your "well meant" Pm's on msn are infuriating. fuck your "will it be enough?" fucking bullshit we all know your just trying to buy time to fucking break the bad news to me in a "nice way" that "doesnt make you seem like the bad guy". "oh i was hoping you would be in a better mood tonight i wanted to talk" Is that the only thikn you care about? me being in a good mood so you can have a nice conversation? I tried to calm down i tried not to be so upset for YOUR SAKE. And then i talk LIKE YOU WANTED TO i didnt want to talk about anything because i knew that my mood was still on shaky grounds but i did it for you. And what happens you decide you WANT TO WIN? win at what you fucking cunt? me never EVER showing how i really feel infront of you ever again? And your contradictions YOU COULDNT HANDLE THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT I WAS IGNORING YOU for an hour when i WASNT. how the fuck do you think i feel when youve been ignoring me for three days. But its okay for you to "ignore me but not ignore me" but its not okay if i do the same? How about how i feel, all the fucking time, its okay for you to say " i dont like you being angry all the time" but you know for a fact that i WAS NOT angry all the time its the current change in circumstances. Its okay for you to do and say whatever you want its justified in that fucked up mentality of yours.

I dont even know what to say anymore im just so over you and your smart ass "aww i was joking you arent really that fat just big boned" fucking comments. IT FUCKING HURTS YOU DICKHEAD ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU SAY IT ENOUGH FUCKING TIMES. That may fly well with your other friends but it doesnt go down well with me.

Well whatever. Keep "cooling down" or whatever it is you claim your doing.

The longer you leave me out of the loop and bitch to my bestfriend the worse its gonna get and be when you finally harden the fuck up and grow big enough balls to finally talk to me. Because as of rightnow im not gonna sit up for all hours of the night thinking "okay maybe just maybe ill get a phonecall or a text message"
Fuck it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dont trust me.

This song is OLDER than my grandmother yet it is only hitting airwaves


"hey there delilah" all over again?

i think so.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


to refrain from noticing or recognizing

Fuck you.

Dont get me wrong i love everybody talking to me on your behalf. But dont spare me your fucking "i dont want to hurt your feeligns" bullshit, tell me straight.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Okay so today i went to Minto to be an official for zone basketball. It was HOT.

In both ways, damn FINE ref, Julian his name was very good lookin (Y).

Okay so after The Lansdowne Zone got kicked out (bossley, canley, st johns etc.) we barracked f0r Mc Arthur. Those boys were VERY nice to us ladies esp. Number 8 Alex, he taught kim how to use the scoreboard machine thingy and they all spoke to us and made us feel loved and they thanked us at the end of each game we scored for them like WHERE WOULD THOSE SCHOOLS BE WITHOUT US!? Ms. Valiss was there today, she was a ref. She was taking food off us and talking to us ALL day and we didnt even realise it was her till she said "see you on monday girls" Me: Whats on monday? More basketball?. Valiss: SCHOOL LADIES!

Yeah. Right.

Kims dream man was on the train home, she was pretty much ready to jump him, well so was i he was pretty damn hot, he winked at me *proud* LOL NOT YOU KIM SO MAN UP!!!

No big deal id go Julian anyday over him. He looked like a cocky emo prick. And some of the ballers got off at liverpool and they walked past us and nodded and smiled and waved etc. and kim was like OMG LOOK ITS THE HOT ONE! and she went to hi-five cindy but cindy was too busy smiling at the hot one and i was smiling at one of the guys from our lansdowne team and she got was funny cos i think they noticed.

SHOES OF MY DREAMSSS (for the moment)

Okay for you kids who watch skins, EFFYS BOOTS


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Cutest thing ever.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Thers something about the carriage,9094.
ART EXPRESS i thikn the only work i really really liked was by a fairvale student.
Not only was it magnificent but it gave us hope. 95% of schools in artexpress are private or higly funded, most of us went there today and were disappointed in our works which can only be described as scribbles the hsc markers will barely look at. And then there is this work which is amazingly detailed drawings drawn on paper,with incredible captions which are so deep. And its framed with textured cardboard, it was so lovely. I think what outraged me most about this years artexpress came down to one artwork i cant complain really about the art works they were really good and their concepts were twice as good too. ONE ARTWORK WAS A CANVAS...mainly black with subtle dark browns and reds through it, now we've been told that you also get marked on how well your concept/theme is potrayed through your BOW. Now i looked at this and thought. WTF this kid had basically four terms and this is what he came up with. His concept was basically "the end of the world" i think the concept was good but the execution was just pathetic it was one of those things where his portfolio is probably better than the work itself. Now i know its slack to totally talk this down but in my opinion if you are going to get into artexpress it shouldnt be based purely on concept because alot of people dont read the little white rectangle and say "oh so thats what that is". But overall good work (Y).
SO AFTER we ate and went to art express, shain thily and i went walking around the city. We went into dangerfield and shain was standing at the door, ans he was like "hey jess look your future emo boyfriend is coming", i looked outside and trace is walking towards us and i think hmm he looks like trace cyrus then i see a short anno girl walking behind him OMG SHAIN ITS HANNA BETH and trace cyrus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FROZEN YOGURT PWNS. Thanks for showing me where it is thily (Y)
So freaking pissed off.
and what....NOTHING!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fuct up.

Okay so these lovely ladies are called the millionaires. its hard to describe my relationship with them their music is somewhat listenable but god i love the lyrics :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love, love, love. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

I havent blogged in awhile (neither has chrissy. if you are reading this update asap my lovely).


Ahaha yes a week too late but i think i should never forget to say it. Esp. to him :)

Had an epic time at his pornstar (slut) themed party. JAGERBOMBS! love them. if it were a person id marry it. Apparently they are really bad for you stimulant+depressant= death setence. But hey mix my two liquid loves together..i choose to ignore the problem. I think thily getting drunk will forever be a highligh in my life. I choose to never forget that. "I HAVE A MOLE ON MY BOOOBBB :(" lololol.

SKINS (L) the only thing i can rely on to make me happy. Episode three! "hallo i am thom-as, so glad to meet you. " AHHH HIM AND PANDORA (L) (L) (L) (L) (L)


one question. mainly for myself.

Is it the end?