Skins season three is out in the UK in a few days and im super excited i will be streaming ASAP. It looks set to be insanley wild and insane and i cannot wait. The cast looks really good there is nothing really negative about anyof them anyway here they are!!:

Thomas: He wasnt in the sneak peak so im not certain about his role yet.

PANDORA! was in the second season with effy, boy has she changed ill try and locate a season two photo of her she was amazingly retarded.

Naomi: Somewhat of a jal i think but god i love her attitude already "sorry im NOT a babe"
Katie: The wilder of the twins (emily) Never not had a boyfriend since she was 7

Karen: Freddy's sister i think she is amazingly pretty. Not much on her yet.

JJ: He seems to be a major mystery. But a pretty mystery he is.

Freddy: Is such a fit young lad :) he seems very sincere and patient. Broken heart waiting to happen.

Emily! the innocent twin never had a boyfriend and seems to me that she is not a friend of naomi's

Cook: Seems to be Tony and chris rolled into one i see the cocky-ness that tony has in him but also the wild party side that chris has. All in all. Very good (Y)

EFFY is damn hot and she is Tony's sister she is the rebel and someone i think im going to love to hate.
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