Okay so today i went to Minto to be an official for zone basketball. It was HOT.
In both ways, damn FINE ref, Julian his name was very good lookin (Y).
Okay so after The Lansdowne Zone got kicked out (bossley, canley, st johns etc.) we barracked f0r Mc Arthur. Those boys were VERY nice to us ladies esp. Number 8 Alex, he taught kim how to use the scoreboard machine thingy and they all spoke to us and made us feel loved and they thanked us at the end of each game we scored for them like WHERE WOULD THOSE SCHOOLS BE WITHOUT US!? Ms. Valiss was there today, she was a ref. She was taking food off us and talking to us ALL day and we didnt even realise it was her till she said "see you on monday girls" Me: Whats on monday? More basketball?. Valiss: SCHOOL LADIES!
Yeah. Right.
Kims dream man was on the train home, she was pretty much ready to jump him, well so was i he was pretty damn hot, he winked at me *proud* LOL NOT YOU KIM SO MAN UP!!!
No big deal id go Julian anyday over him. He looked like a cocky emo prick. And some of the ballers got off at liverpool and they walked past us and nodded and smiled and waved etc. and kim was like OMG LOOK ITS THE HOT ONE! and she went to hi-five cindy but cindy was too busy smiling at the hot one and i was smiling at one of the guys from our lansdowne team and she got ignored..it was funny cos i think they noticed.
SHOES OF MY DREAMSSS (for the moment)
Okay for you kids who watch skins, EFFYS BOOTS

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