Someone please get me Mike Fuentes Or John O'Callaghan for my birthday? K'thx.

*I hate how you trampled on his feelings and expected him to be the same.
* I'm relieved youre happy for me Honestly IMMENSE sigh of relief. love you oh so much.
* I worry about you....alot. Are you really okay?
* I feel horrible for hating on you for so long, you didnt do anything wrong.
* I dont trust you. And that is exactly why i talk to you. I know he knows more than you let on. Have you ever stopped to consider that was my plan?
* I have no respect for you.
* I keep thinking you'll like her more than you like me.
* If you stopped complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe things would be better for you. Self Pity never got anyone anywhere.
* When you leave next year, whats going to happen? A year with no communication. We may never be the same again!
* My theory is, you control our choices because you failed at your own. Wake up Noone likes what you think is "beautiful". Stupid Bitch.
* Still waiting for your excuses.
* You know how to make me laugh at the most unexpected moments. I love that.
OHMYG i sound so pessimistic. I really tried to keep it loverly.
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